About The Show
In the light of the current situation around the world – where a culture of fear and reprisal is becoming commonplace, where terrorism and the war on terror are the most regular news items – Ryan Craig’s comic and hard-hitting play offers a timely and sharp reminder that theatre can and must address the most important issues of the day.
What We Did To Weinstein is about a clash of cultures, of religions, of lifestyles, of ideals and of historical perspectives. Fathers and sons, brothers and sisters, lovers and old friends are polarised by the political affairs of the world. Their lives are profoundly and personally altered by the events happening around the world. These are characters in real cities: London, Jerusalem and Ramallah, who are living on the front line of the war on terror. They are characters who are trying to live their lives in the shadow of this war and who represent every possible faction within that war.
Ryan Craig’s work has been performed on tour throughout the UK and in London at the National Theatre and Lyric Hammersmith. He is the Writer In Residence at BBC Radio Drama and BBC Writers Room and he is currently creating the first devised drama for BBC radio.
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